ACAD 224g – The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation (satisfies GE Cat A)
IPT 190 - Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
CTIN 101 - Fundamentals of Procedural Media
CTIN 190 - Introduction to Interactive Media
CTIN 480 - Directing for Games and Interactive Media
CTIN 482 - Designing Social Games
CTIN 486 - Alternative Control Workshop
CTIN 488 - Game Design Workshop
CTIN 489 - Intermediate Game Design Workshop
CTPR 406 - Visual Story and Communication
CTPR 458 - Organizing Creativity: Entertainment Industry Decision Making
CTPR 465 - Practicum in Production Design
CTPR 466 - The Art of the Pitch
CTPR 502 - Collaboration and Creativity
THTR 122 - Improvisation and Theater Games
IML 295Lm - Race, Class and Gender in Digital Culture
IML 320 - Designing and Writing for Transmedia Narratives
IML 365 - Future Cinema
IML 422 - Information Visualization
SOCI 305m - Sociology of Childhood
CTWR 105 - Nonverbal Thinking: Visual and Aural
CTWR 405 - Storytelling for Virtual and Augmented Reality
CTWR 441 - Writing Workshop in Creativity and Imagination
CTWR 518 - Introduction to Interactive Writing
CTWR 541 - Dreams, the Brain and Storytelling
WRIT 320 - Inside-Out Writing Workshop
CTWR 105 - Nonverbal Thinking: Visual and Aural