ACAD 224g – The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation (satisfies GE Cat A)

ACAD 179 – Digital Toolbox: Excel for Business Management

ACAD 182 Case Studies in Innovation

ACAD 315x – Basics of Project and Operations Management for Non-Majors

ACAD 331x – Influence and Collaboration

ACAD 401 – Story Building for Inventors and Entrepreneurs

ARC 536 – The Landscape Planning Process

BAEP 475 - Entertainment Entrepreneurship

BAEP 477 - Entrepreneurial Imagination: Past Present and Future

BUAD 101 - Freshman Leadership Seminar

BUAD 102 - Global Leadership Seminar

BUCO 260 - Business Communication Across Cultures

BUCO – 445 Communicating to Lead and Persuade

BUCO 450 - Communication for Organizations: Exploring Creativity

CNTV 375 - Breaking into the Entertainment Industry

COMM 200 - Communication and Social Science

CTIN 482 - Designing Social Games

CTIN 486 - Alternative Control Workshop

CTPR 466 - The Art of the Pitch

CTPR 502 - Collaboration and Creativity

THTR 122 - Improvisation and Theater Games

THTR 130 - Introduction to Theatrical Production

THTR 131a - Advanced Theatrical Production

THTR 131b - Advanced Theatrical Production

THTR 132a - Art of Theatrical Design

THTR 132b - Art of Theatrical Design

THTR 303 - Projection Design I

THTR 308 - Programming for Lighting

THTR 332 - Lighting Design I

THTR 380 - Immersive Theater

THTR 402 - Projection Design II

THTR 407a - Drawing and Rendering for Theater

THTR 407b - Drawing and Rendering for Theater

THTR 434a - Lighting Design II

THTR 434b - Lighting Design II

IML 422 - Information Visualization

DSCI 554 - Data Visualization