Michael Libby
Founder and CEO, Worldbuildr
After earning a B.A. in English from USC while pulling double duty as a Jungle Cruise skipper on weekends, Michael worked as a creative writer in the themed entertainment industry for several years before beginning to sense the coming disruptive force of interactivity technologies. He returned to USC for his graduate studies, earning a M.F.A. degree from USC's Interactive Media & Game Design program. During this time, Michael developed new technical skills and began to focus his new abilities into the official formation of his company, Worldbuildr. Built on proprietary software that began as Michael's graduate thesis project, Worldbuildr uses new, state-of-the-art digital tools like virtual reality and real-time game engines to revolutionize the design and production process for all types of immersive experiences, allowing designers to visualize ideas early, mitigate risk, and detect unforeseen problems earlier in the design process than previously thought possible.